Friday, October 18, 2013

Changes on the Wind

This blog is about to change, the surrogacy project seems to have fallen through unfortunately. It is however going to turn into a Single Mom By Choice blog. This whole process has brought the fact I truly want to have a child to the front of my mind. I have begun the process to choose a donor and begin insemination. We never got to do my second insemination so I know for sure I am not pregnant as of this time.

I know I have chosen a hard road, a single, young, lesbian mother, but I am preparing myself and my life to hopefully welcome a little bundle of joy sometime soon. I have had "baby fever" for a long time (I will cover the reasons and cause of it in another post soon) and am ready for this new step in my life. I hope all of you will stick with me for the Journey :)

Question: If you used donor sperm, what were your specifications for your donor? (I have a good list of them I am just curious as to what the rest of you wanted from a donor)